I Don't Have Anything
By: Unknown
Category: Angst
Summary: Harm's POV...That's all you are going to get.
Author's Notes: Song is from Vast 'I Don't Have Anything'
I stood on mountaintops
That overlooked the world
I can't find anything
Except a void inside
I went to places where
I could forget your name
I can't find anything
Except a void inside
As I stand here, overlooking the mountains, with nothing around me. No city
life, cars honking there horns in impatience, no people screaming at one
another, nothing except peace and quite.
I am not all too sure that this is a good idea.
It gives me all to much time to think.
Not that thinking is a bad thing; Mac does it all the time. Sometimes I think
she does it a bit too much.
Mac. That thought opens a whole new can of worms.
She is the whole reason why I jumped in my plane and just flew, I didn't care
where I was going, and it didn't matter.
You accepted his ring last night. For what reason I can't figure though. I know
you care for the man, but marriage Mac?
In my eyes, marriage is saved for the one person you undoubtedly want to spend
the rest of your life with. Someone who knows your deepest secrets, all your
past skeletons that you keep so safely locked in your closet, someone who you
knows you better then anyone else, who will be there for you, not judge you in
any way. That's my idea.
You want to know something Mac; Mic isn't that kind of person. He has done
everything against you from day one. He has embarrassed you, made decisions
behind your back.
Does he know your deepest secrets like I do Mac?
Right now, as I stand here overlooking the valley below. I feel nothing but the
void inside. There is nothing, and that very thought is what hurts.
I can't find anything Mac, please help me.
I tried to go places to forget you, but all it did was remind me of you, of the
places that I want to be able to take you, to share with you.
Help me.
I can't find anything but the void inside.
What can I buy to make
The sky turn blue again
Where can I go to feel
Like I'm alive again
Show me the places
Where I can forget your name
I can't find anything
Except a void inside
I am at the point in my life, where I realized that I am not getting any
younger, I want to settle down, and I am tired of being alone. I guess you could
say that I figured out that there are more things than just a career; that
things do come before your career.
I want a wife, children, and the white house with the picket fence. Is that so
hard to believe? I thought I might have that with Renee, but things just didn't
end up that way, not that I wanted them too.
The one person, who understands me, who knows me...better then I know myself
sometimes, is with someone else. I am alone, for looks like...forever.
What can I do to fix this?
Is there something I can buy to make everything right? If there is, please tell
Where can I go to forget about you? To move on?
I don't think there is a place; I tried this, that's why I am here. But I can't
forget you Mac, I doubt I ever will.
I want to feel alive again; I want to live. Help me Mac; help me do that because
there is no one else in this world that can.
Show me the way Mac; show me the way because I don't want to forget your name.
This void inside is getting too much for me.
Help Me Please.
I don't have anything
Because I don't have you
I don't have anything
This is true Mac; I don't have anything because I don't have you.
What did I have to find out when it's to late? Then again this happens to me all
the time. I always find out too late, about almost everything.
I've been stripped of everything
Except some flesh that bleeds
And I've been robbed of everything
Except a soul, except a soul
That needs...you, sweet you
It does seem this way, now at this very moment, as I stand here and over look
the mountains. I ran, ran away from everything I know, you, my friends, my
job...everything and I came here. Alone.
I feel like I have been stripped, I have nothing anymore. My job is well, just a
job now a days, our friends are home preparing a party for you and yours, my
best friend, well from it looks like to me my best friend is gone.
I am all alone.
Everything has been taken from me, stripped. I feel like I am bleeding, are my
wounds ever going to heal?
Does this song have to hit on every single feeling and emotion?
Robbed? That's a good word, I do feel robbed. Mic stole you away from me.
Actually I don't think he had too much trouble. Think back, Sydney, the ferry...I
played more a part in that. What Mic did, or you for that matter weren't your
fault. It was mine.
Doesn't change the fact that I still feel like he stole you, stole my very soul.
My soul does need you. I need you. Sweet you.
I need you Mac.
Help me.